
Monday, January 16, 2023


The political leader within the APC CHRISTIAN regions of NORTHERN State met in Abuja to deliberate in the parties Muslims-Muslims tickets and its implications to the nations it was noted that some CHRISTIAN with high profile from the APC accross the federation and consequence with more to follow unless, and until consentrated efforts and made to redeem the APC  parties from hate and those who want to exploit religions for their self interest has opposed to Nation interest.                                 The APC has recklessly thrown its christian candidate accross the nation by rejecting the muslim ticket because the Muslim undermine the electorial fortune of APC and its Candiate accross all states and consequences where Christian have been enjoying the or numerical advantages. 

The selection of Muslim running mate named Kashim Shettima by Bola Ahmed Tinubu, is and display of insensitivity to the modern Nigeria and the entire christians. Tinubu stating that it also happened in 1993 during the time of Chief MK O Abiola and his running mate Babagana Kingibe that Nigeria embrace the idea and is one of the fairest election ever held, the current Nigeria environment and its present political atmosphere of the nation is differemt from what occured in 1993 and therefore the Muslim ticket is unacceptable, it does not take smart to know that the victory of Chief Abiola/Kingibe in 1993 turned out to be victory as there was never a president nor vice as of then, which want to repeat in 2023.

The Mr. President being the APC leader is urged to intervene in the matter in order to create and ensure justice, equality and fairplay for the interest of stability and peace of our great nation and save this party from disintegration. 

The nations peril believes that Nigeria paramount should be of peace and unity, APC Party institution should also guarantee equal opportunitiea for all mutual, peaceful coexistence, respect and understanding and eleminate any form of discrimination, injustice among Nigerians in the country.

Thursday, November 10, 2022



The Idoma people are the inhabitants of Benue State, they are the second-largest ethnic group in Benue State. Their  culture,language and way of life are relative to some key southern Tribe in Nigeria.

They are known to speak the Idoma language,their lifetime ruler is called the 'Och 'Idoma'.and he is the leader of IDOMA Area Council.the Idoma prople has this 'Alekwu' belief which is still in existense till this present day.The Alekwu which is am gods that punish people that goes about disobeying it,it is the voice of the ancestor and live between the dead and the living.The Idoma people are known for farming and hunting and that is where the slogan is gotten from ' the food basket of the nation' and it is said that idoma men don't joke with their stomach.The Idoma people are known for okoho soup and pounded yam and the okoho soup is prepared with okoho vegetable(mostly found in Benue state)with bush meat and other ingredients.

The idoma traditional colours just like every other tribes are two,which are red and black stripes which makes the identity of the idoma unique.

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Thursday, November 3, 2022


 Mallam Sani Abubakar the head of sanitary Department in the school during an interview review that the polytechnic are taking massive steps to control dirt and lack of sanitation in the school evironment.                                       

He added that the school has employ enough sanitary health staff in the campus, ranging from enough school cleaners,gardeners and security that will help regulate neatness among students and staffs.

  Also it has been written to the school management to make provision of equipment and other materials, such as broom,nose-masks, water,soaps and other toiletaries in large quantities in other to be available for both students and staffs. 

   He further added that enough toilet rooms should be erected in each department for easy access and dirt free-environment. 

While speaking with our correspondent he announces his displeasure over how the students litters the ground with debris,containers of used drinks and how the students carelessly misuse the toilet despite the provision of water and toilet necessities. 

He talks about how students refuse to flush the toilets after using them, He then said that students who fails to maintain toilet sanity,class room orderliness and untreated health cases will be officially reprimanded.

  Mallam Sani therefore advices the students to regard the toilets as the ones in their home and keep it clean after use. He implore the students to dispose their waste in the danobins provided for them in other to make the school environment clean.

      Furthermore ,the chief Medical Director of the polytechnic Dr Danladi Idi , has advised Students to leave in a clean environment as that is the only way they can be disease free.

   He also used the medium to enlighten them on the ways to prevent the out break of cholera and other dangerous diseases. The Medical Director also complained about the bad conditions of the toilet and called on Student to improve on the way they use the toilets by ensuring it is well flushed after use. It is paramount to note that sanitation is a term that connotes the provision of facilities and services for the safe disposal of human urine and feces. Sanitation differs from hygiene in that it provides the means for people to be hygienic. Sanitation is important for all, helping to maintain health and increase life spans.

Sanitation can equally mean the promotion of hygiene and prevention of disease by means of the maintenance of sanitary conditions (as by the removal of sewage and trash)—often used attributively to a sanitation truck by sanitation workers.

The campus, or more accurately, the institution, has its fair share of sanitation conditions that impede the free and beneficial inhabitions of students on campus, despite the school administration's efforts to cater to the large number of students on campus, for example.

The waste disposal system of the institution has in some instances been compromised to the point that littered paper is found everywhere due to a lack of danobins or trash cans for easy disposal of waste around the institution.

In addition to this, the institution, in spite of its reputation amongst the community of institutions in the country, has challenges in providing enough toilets and other facilities that would cater to the large number of students on the campus, thereby causing lots of environmental hazards to the students and the immediate institution's community.

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The political leader within the APC CHRISTIAN regions of NORTHERN State met in Abuja to deliberate in the parties Muslims-Muslims tickets an...